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时间:2012-08-31     预审:王升洋





E-mail: zhangcdc@mail.ahnu.edu.cn

电 话:0553-3869208


1998.9-2000.5,中国科学技术大学 化学物理系,理学硕士

2000.5-2003.5,中国科学技术大学 化学物理系,理学博士

2003.5-2005.1,中国科学技术大学 物理系博士后流动站,博士后

2005.1-现在,安徽师范大学,金沙集团1862cc 教授











9.安徽省高校学科(专业)拔尖人才学术资助重点项目, 051609, 2016-2018,主持.

8.心肌组织螺旋波与时空混沌的调控作用研究,安徽省自然科学基金项目,1508085MA15, 2015.7-2017.6,主持.

7.拓扑结构多样性对耦合的窦房结细胞体系搏动过程调控作用的理论研究,国家自然科学基金理论物理专款项目,1104701, 2011-2013,主持.

6.随机因素对窦房结细胞起搏节律调控的理论研究, 安徽省自然科学基金项目,090413099,2009.1-2011.12,主持.

5.随机因素对细胞体系中钙信号选择效应的研究, 安徽省高等学校省级自然科学研究重点项目,KJ2007A079, 2007.1-2009.12,主持.


3. 随机因素对细胞体系中复杂化学过程的调控作用,中国博士后科学奖励基金,2003.12,主持.

2.生物细胞体系中复杂的非线性化学问题的理论研究, 中科院王宽诚博士后奖励基金,2004.12,主持.

1.复杂体系中重要非线性化学问题的研究, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 20433050,2005.1-2008.12,参与.


29. Fei Xu, Jiqian Zhang, Meng Jin, Shoufang Huang,Tingting Fang, Chimera states and synchronization behavior in multilayer memristive neural networks,Nonlinear Dyn (2018) /doi.org/10.1007/s11071-018-4393-9.

28. Fei Xu,Jiqian Zhang,Tingting Fang, Shoufang Huang, Maosheng Wang, Synchronous dynamics in neural system coupled with memristive synapse, Nonlinear Dyn (2018) 92:1395–1402.

27. Shoufang Huang,Jiqian Zhang, Maosheng Wang, Chin-Kun Hu, Firing patterns transition and desynchronization induced by time delay in neural networks,Physica A 499 (2018) 88-97.

26.JQ Zhang, SF Huang, STPang, MS Wang, S Gao, Optimizing calculations of coupling matrix in Hindmarsh–Rose neural network,Nonlinear Dyn., 2016,83(3):1303-1310.

25. Shoufang Huang, Jiqian Zhang*, Maosheng Wang, Response ability to external signal enhanced by biological spatial conguration in coupled Hindmarsh-Rose neural system,Chin.J Chem.Phys. 2016, 29(2):265-270.

24. Jiqian Zhang, Shoufang Huang, Sitao Pang, Maosheng Wang, Sheng Gao, Synchronization in the Uncoupled Neuron System,Chin. Phys.Lett. 2015, 12: 120502.

23. Xiang Li, Jiqian Zhang*, Jianwei Shuai, Isoprenaline: A Potential Contributor in Sick Sinus Syndrome-Insights from a Mathematical Model of the Rabbit Sinoatrial Node,Scientific World J. 2014,2014(8):540496.

22. Lisi Liang,Jiqian Zhang*, Lezhu Liu, Maosheng Wang, Binghong Wang, Effect of Topological Connectivity on Firing Pattern Transitions in Coupled Neurons,Chin.Phys.Lett., 2014, 31(5): 050502-1-5.

21.Jiqian Zhang, Xiang Li, Lisi Liang, Shoufang Huang, Henggui Zhang, Effects of external stimuli on the pacemaker function of the sinoatrial node in sodium channel gene mutations models,Sci. China Life Sci., 2013, 56(9): 818-822.

20. Lisi Liang,Jiqian Zhang*, Guixia Xu,Lezhu Liu, Shoufang Huang, Effect of Topology Structures on synchronization Transition in Coupled Neuron Cells System,Commun.Theor. Phys. 2013, 60(9): 380-386.

19.Jiqian Zhang, Chundao Wang,Maosheng Wang, Shoufang Huang, Firing patterns transition induced by system size in coupled HR neural system,Nerocomputing, 74(2011) 2961-2966.

18. Peng Wang, Jiqian Zhang, Hai-lin Ren, In-and Anti-transition of Firing Patterns Induced by Random Long-range Connections in Coupled HR Neurons System,Chin. J of chem. Phys., 23 (2010) 23-29.

17. J.Q.Zhang, A.V.Holden, O.Monfredi, M.R.Boyett, and H.Zhang, Stochastic vagal modulation of cardiac pacemaking may lead to erroneous identification of cardiac “chaos”, Chaos 19, (2009) 028509-1-4.

16. Huang shou fang,Zhang Jiqian*, Ding shijiang, State-to-State Transitions in a Hindmarsh –Rose Neuron System,Chin.Phys.Lett., 26, 5 (2009) 050502-1-4.

15. Zhang Jiqian, Liu Jianqing, Chen Hanshuang, Selective effects of noise by stochastic multi- resonance in coupled cells system.Sci China Ser G, 51 (2008) 492-498.

14. Jiqian Zhang, Hanshuang Chen,Enhanced synchronization of intercellular calcium oscillations by noise contaminated signals,Commun.Theor.Phys.,50 (2008) 903-906.

13. Shen chuansheng, Chen han-Shuang,Zhang jiqian*, Amplified Signal response by neuronal diversity on complex networks,Chin.Phys.Lett., 25 (2008) 1591-1594.

12. Shen chuansheng, chen han-Shuang,Zhang jiqian*, Synchronized anti-phase and in-phase oscillations of intracellular calcium ions in two coupled hepatocytes system,Chin.Phys.Lett. 25 (2008) 870-873.

11. Hanshuang Chen,Jiqian Zhang*, Jianqing Liu, Enhancement of neuronal coherence by diversity in coupled Rulkov-map models,Physica A, 87(2008) 1071-1076.

10. Hanshuang Chen and Jiqian Zhang, Diversity-induced coherence resonance in spatial extended chaotic systems,Phys.Rer.E 77 (2008) 026207-1-4.

9. Hanshuang Chen, Jiqian Zhang, Jianqing Liu, Selective effects of external noise on Ca2+ signal in mesoscopic scale biochemical cell systems,Biophysical Chemistry 125 (2007) 397-402.

8. Hanshuang Chen,Jiqian Zhang*, Jianqing Liu, tructural-diversity-enhanced cellular ability to detect subthreshold extracellular signals,Phys.Rev.E, 75 (2007) 041910-1-4.

7. Zhonghuai Hou, Jiqian Zhang*, Houwen Xin, Two system-size-resonance behaviors for calcium signaling: For optimal cell size and for optimal network size,Phys.Rev.E 74(2006) 031901-1-5.

6. Zhang Jiqian, Hou zhonghuai, Xin Houwen, Neural signal tuned by random long-range connections in coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons systems,Chin.Phys.Lett. 23(2006) 2364- 2369.

5.Zhang Jiqian, Shen Chuansheng, Cui Zhifeng, Modulation on the collective response behavior by the system size in two-dimensional coupled cell systems,Science in China, 49 (3)(2006) 304-312.

4.Jiqian Zhang, Zhonghuai Hou, Houwen Xin. Effects of internal noise for calcium signaling in a coupled cell system,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys, 7(2005) 2225- 2228.

3.Jiqian Zhang, Zhonghuai Hou, Houwen Xin, System-size biresonance for intracellular Ca signaling, ChemPhysChem., 5 (2004) 1041-1045.

2.Jiqian Zhang, Houwen Xin, The effects of quantum noise on the energy degeneration in a dissipative quantum system.Chem.Phys.Lett. 345 (2001) 282-286.

1. Jiqian Zhang, Feng Qi, Houwen Xin. Effects of noise on the off rate of Ca binding proteins in a coupled biochemical cell systems.,Biophys.Chem., 94 (2001)201-207.


2002年度,求是奖学金 香港求是基金会












2014年度 皖江学院优秀教学奖;

2016年度 安徽师范大学优秀教学奖。

C. 编著:



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